Youshi Hong Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China |
Youshi Hong is a Professor of the Institute of Mechanics (IMECH), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). He was the Director of IMECH-CAS between 1998 and 2006. He is Editor-in-Chief for “Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures (FFEMS)”; and Associate Editor-in-Chief for “Science China ‒ Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy”. His research fields are mechanical behavior of materials, fracture mechanics and structure mechanics. His main research achievements are related to: high-cycle and very-high-cycle fatigue behavior of metallic materials; effects of second phase particles on deformation, fracture and stress corrosion cracking of steels; analyses of stress intensity factors and plastic zone sizes for notch-cracks and fatigue crack growth from a circular notch under biaxial stress; mechanism and modeling of collective damage evolution process of initiation and propagation for short fatigue cracks; and mechanical behavior of nano-crystalline metallic materials. He has published 290 papers in academic journals and conference proceedings, and obtained 13 Chinese patents. He received a First Grade Award of Natural Science of CAS and received a National Second Grade Award of Natural Science. |
- Deadline for submission of abstract
1 June 2021 25 August 2021
- Notification of acceptance of abstract
15 June 2021
- Deadline for pre-conference registration
15 Sept 2021
- Conference registration-
8 Oct 2021